Sunday, 30 August 2020

Télécharger Ghosted: M2F Body Possession/Theft (English Edition) PDF eBook En Ligne M Wills

Ghosted: M2F Body Possession/Theft (English Edition)

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Télécharger Ghosted: M2F Body Possession/Theft (English Edition) PDF eBook En Ligne M Wills - Katie's life is no longer her own. There's a spirit in her body, a man controlling her, using her to satisfy himself. He can make her do anything he wants...and she can see and feel it all.

She can't fight him, and his delight is only intensified by her humiliation. He seems intent on staying and pleasuring his new body to exhaustion....alone and with her friends.

He has complete control.

And he's out to fulfil all his desires.

Will Katie get her body back before he's ruined everything? Or will she be trapped forever in her own mind as a stranger possess her body?

Also includes a bonus story 'Tested', where a young man is suddenly transformed into a woman the day of his big exam, and tries to get an A the easy way.

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Détails de Ghosted: M2F Body Possession/Theft (English Edition)

Titre du livreGhosted: M2F Body Possession/Theft (English Edition)
AuteurM Wills
Nom de fichierghosted-m2f-body-possession-theft-english-edition.pdf
Taille du fichier23.93 (La vitesse du serveur actuel est 27.63 Mbps

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